Other Sources of Information

Highland Health Information and Resources Services – provides information on all aspects of health and health related services for the Highland population. Tel. Lo-call 0345 573 077. 

NHS Helpline – 0800 22 44 88

The NHS provides an information and advice line about illnesses, patients’ rights, self-help and support groups and information about services. All calls are free and confidential. 

Useful Telephone Numbers

Raigmore Hospital - 01463 704000

Lawson Memorial Hospital Golspie - 01408 633157

County Hospital, Invergordon - 01349 852496

Ross Memorial Hospital, Dingwall - 01349 863313

Social Work Department - 01349 882609

Local Chemists Alness - 01349 882233 - Invergordon - 01349 852242

Optician – Mr Campbell - 01349 882863

Samaritans - 01463 713456

Relate - 01463 712888

Citizens Advice Bureau - 01349 883333

Highland Health Board - 01349 717123

Rape and Abuse Line - 01349 865316

Childline - 0800 1111

Maggies Highlands - 01463 382900